Rick Sutton, retired Principal of Howard School at Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home, was recently honored for his 20 years of educational service to the Home and for his contributions in helping establish the Home’s John H. Allen Career and Vocational Center. Tony Cain, current Principal and Director of Educational Services, announced the honor and presented Rick with a plaque recognizing his contributions. A larger version of the plaque hangs in the Vocational Center to commemorate Rick’s role in establishing the program and facility.

Rick Sutton (center) receives awards from Tony Cain (left) and Bill Elmore (right)
Rick Sutton (center) receives awards from Tony Cain (left) and Bill Elmore (right)

In announcing the honor, Tony described Rick’s service to the Home and his vision for a vocational facility that would provide our youth with marketable skills to enable them to be self-sufficient and successful in life. Tony also shared information about the ongoing success of our educational programs. For example, youth at Howard School and the Vocational Center are passing the GED test at a rate well above the state and national average. The Children’s Home has eight GED graduates for the current academic year and are on pace to graduate a record number for the year. Tony also shared financial information demonstrating that even one youth vocational success story each year makes the investment in vocational educational worthwhile.

Terrel Deville, Rick Sutton and John Allen share stories about their work together at the Home.
Terrel Deville, Rick Sutton and John Allen share stories
about their work together at the Home.

The presentation honoring Rick was made at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Ruston, of which Rick and Tony are both members. Tony hosted their weekly meeting in the shop area of the Vocational Center and the program was a complete surprise to Rick and most of those in attendance. Several Children’s Home staff, including the current teachers of Howard School, joined Rick’s wife and three sons and the Rotarians in giving Rick a standing ovation when the plaque was presented. Rick was extremely humble and emotional in accepting the recognition and talking about the success of the vocational program and its impact on Children’s Home youth and society. Rick also thanked his family and mentioned the contributions of the teachers and other current and retired staff toward the success of Howard School and the Vocational Center.

In concluding the program, Rotarian Bill Elmore read a proclamation on behalf of Ruston Mayor Dan Hollingsworth recognizing Rick’s accomplishments and proclaiming it “Rick Sutton Day” in Ruston.

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