LMCH Recognized as Employer of the Month
Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home was honored Tuesday, Sept. 8, as Ruston’s Employer of the Month. City Economic Development Administrator Kristi Lumpkin… Read More
The Chapel at Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home was filled to a standing room only crowd of students, teachers and staff during the Howard School and John H. Allen Vocational Center’s End of Year Awards Celebration.
Many students were recognized during the celebration. Certificates ranged from Most Improved in the subjects of Math, Science, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Reading and Barbering, to Honor Roll and even Most Improved Behavior and Highest Average. There was no shortage of cheers, clapping and shouts of encouragement from peers and administration alike. Danny Bell, Director of Educational Services for Howard School and the Allen Vocational Center, complimented the students on their dedication and persistence throughout the school year.
Once all of the students had been presented with their certificates, Mr. Bell handed out several Special Recognition awards. Mr. Bell said “None of this would have been possible without the help of our support staff and our teachers.” Mr. Bell thanked Renee James for all of her assistance in planning the celebration, as well as presented special plaques for the following: Support Staff of the Year, Janae R. Christian; Staff of the Year, Darrell D. Jackson; Teacher Leadership Award, Jennifer Barham Blake; and 2016 Teacher of the Year, Hillary Peel Aulds. Each name that was called was met with thunderous applause from students as well as fellow staff and teachers. Howard School is blessed to have such faithful and dedicated leadership, teachers and staff to work with our students.