Howard School and John H. Allen Vocational Center Hold End of Year Awards Celebration
The Chapel at Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home was filled to a standing room only crowd of students, teachers and staff… Read More
The Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence, or EAGLE Accreditation Commission, has awarded re-accreditation to Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services. We are pleased to report that The EAGLE Commission has reviewed our self-study and the site visit findings and has awarded us re-accreditation with commendation. It is an honor for us to be recognized for our work in this manner.
In our last issue of PATHWAYS, we reported to you that we had just hosted the site visit to renew our EAGLE Accreditation. Mr. Gary Gansemer, CEO of Hillcrest Family Services in Dubuque, Iowa and Mrs. Toleda Hart, CEO of Methodist Youth Services in Chicago, inspected our facilities.
The surveyors interviewed residents, staff and board members; reviewed documentation; and talked with representatives from communities in Louisiana to verify that we continue to meet the standards established for EAGLE Accreditation.
EAGLE Accreditation is designed for faith-based health and welfare organizations wishing to enhance the quality of holistic care they provide. EAGLE Accreditation uses extensive self-assessment and peer review processes based upon principles and goals which promote excellence in Christian ministry.