October 20, 2014, Sulphur, LA – Opened in 2011, Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana is the most modern children’s home in our state. The local children’s home is a ministry of Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services. The Home in Sulphur is one of three United Methodist children’s homes in Louisiana and is part of the larger statewide array of services for children, families and communities provided by the Louisiana Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

According to Rick Wheat, President and CEO of Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, “From the beginning, the citizens of Sulphur and Calcasieu Parish have helped us care for our children. With the community’s support, the staff members of Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana do incredible work to heal children and families. At the same time, the operation of the Home in Sulphur has had a very positive economic impact in the surrounding community.”

Dr. Steven Franks, Program Director of the Sulphur facility continues, “We employ nearly 90 remarkable individuals who pursue our mission with passion and integrity in Calcasieu Parish. Their service to youth and families has and continues to inspire changes in youth that impact our local community and state. Our services also make positive contributions to the social and economic health of communities throughout Louisiana.”

Every year, the organization undergoes a financial audit which objectively evaluates our fiscal stability and financial responsibility. The current audit report, just released by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor for fiscal year 2013, was conducted by Robinson, Gardner, Langston and Bryan, CPAs, of Monroe.

Robinson, Gardner, Langston and Bryan, CPAs, issued the following statement, which we are pleased to share: “In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, Inc. as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.”

This indicates a clean audit in which financial statements are presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. The complete audit report is available from the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s website at: http://www.lla.state.la.us/

Learn more about mission and ministry of Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana at: http://www.MCHSWLA.org

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Dr. Steven Franks
Program Director
Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana
1 (337) 527-5056

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