Annual Fall Festival 2016
Each year a Fall Festival is held for youth on our Ruston campus. Volunteers from the community assist in making… Read More
It feels good to turn inspectors loose and encourage them to look with critical eyes knowing wherever they look and what ever child or staff member they interview, they will see good things. Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), the Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations (LANO) and EAGLE.
We have just hosted the site visit to renew our EAGLE Accreditation. Mr. Gary Gansemer, CEO of Hillcrest Family Services in Dubuque, Iowa and Mrs. Toleda Hart, CEO of Methodist Youth Services in Chicago inspected our facilities.
The surveyors interviewed residents, staff and board members; reviewed documentation; and talked with representatives from communities in Louisiana to verify that we continue to meet the standards established for EAGLE Accreditation. The EAGLE Commission will review our self-study and the site visit findings and will process our re-accreditation application during the Commission meeting in January of 2011.
EAGLE Accreditation is designed for faith-based health and welfare organizations wishing to enhance the quality of holistic care they provide. EAGLE Accreditation uses extensive self-assessment and peer review processes based upon principles and goals which promote excellence in Christian ministry.