Methodist Children’s Home in Sulphur Reopens After Hurricane Laura
Methodist Children’s Home in Sulphur Reopens After Hurricane Laura December 1, 2020 – Sulphur, LA – Today, Methodist Children’s Home… Read More
You will remember the Dedication Service for the new facility in Sulphur was held last year on October 17, 2010. The service was attended by more than 250 people who are excited about a new ministry to children and families in the southwest corner of Louisiana.
Nine months passed between the dedication of the buildings last October and the admission of our first children this past week. Some who have been excited about the opportunity the facility provides for ministry have been curious about why we’re just now admitting children. There’s not a better feeling than to have supporters who are anxious to see activity!
I will admit, the period between the building dedication and our first child’s admission was longer than we anticipated. However, this morning as I consider it, the grace of that nine month period has been a gift very few agencies ever enjoy.
You see, it is a rare thing to create a new residential program where there wasn’t one before. The process began with an incredible gift and an idea for ministry. Funded by a major gift of the William L. Henning family and supported by congregations and individuals, Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana has approximately 25,070 square feet of heated living space and sits on a 40-acre plot of land which offers opportunities for future development.
Following the gift, there was a time of planning, facility design and construction. Along the way we selected exceptional staff members. We opened the facilities and staff to inspections by all the regulatory bodies that ensure we meet minimum standards.
We developed a local culture and philosophy of care which is founded upon the larger organization’s mission, vision, and values – but which respects the unique energy and contributions of the local community. And we have trained staff through intensive study, role play and activities which are designed to create a cohesive team.
All of steps things require time. It has literally taken years!
The last nine months have been a special gift of time. We have been able to focus on developing the heart of the program – a mutually-supportive team of people who understand their mission and ministry to children and families. We have been blessed with time to prepare our staff with purpose and intention, unrushed by the chaos of a time crunch.
I expect Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana will soon be considered a model agency. We’ve had the gift of time to develop the program’s heart – a prepared staff who are committed to our mission.
Learn more about Methodist Children’s Home of Southwest Louisiana