Foundations Poured for Administration Building in Southeast Louisiana
The weekend’s “Top Story” in the Hammond Daily Star is a great article about the beginning of Phase II construction… Read More
Our youth in the residential program at our sister campus of the Methodist Home for Children of Greater New Orleans, visited the Outdoor Wilderness Learning Center June 11-14 to experience a taste of the wilderness! Youth and staff participated in various activities such as swimming, boating, mountain biking, fishing, field games, ropes course, maze games, and horseback riding.
The kids also visited our main campus in Ruston for an afternoon of relaxation and swimming in the pool and playing games in the gymnasium. Once the youth were settled into the Bunkhouse at the OWL, the fun began in earnest. We consider it such a blessing that we are able to provide such wonderful opportunities to the youth in our care from all across the state of Louisiana.