Join us for the 33rd Annual Golf Classic on Monday, October 7, 2013, at the Beau Chene Country Club in Mandeville, LA.

Golfer takes a swing
Golfer takes a swing
The SCRAMBLE format comprises a round of golf with a foursome competing as a team for the lowest score. Each team member tees off at each hole and the best drive is selected and played. All team players play from the same spot and this process continues until the hole is completed. The team records one score and moves to the next hole throughout the course. The fee for participation will cover green and cart fees, food and beverages and a generous donation to help the Methodist Home for Children. Please enter NOW!

Please register by 11:30 am. Tee time is 12:30 pm on both Oak and Magnolia courses.

For more information, click here to download the 2013 Golf Classic Brochure and Registration Form.

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