Life Notes: What Really Matters
by Luke Allen

It was a little over one year ago when COVID-19 began to be discussed nationally. Its impacts have rippled across society and our lives since that time. One year ago, no one could have predicted what 2020 would hold for each of us—exposure, quarantine, sickness, hurricanes, evacuation, tragedy, loss, and sadness. On top of these things that play out in our everyday lives, there have been protests and riots in certain places, political nonsense, job losses, rationing, hoarding, and so much more. These ripples continue today.

At LUMCFS, we have had to dig deep to adapt our operations to combat these COVID and societal ripples. We have changed policies, added staff, purchased large amounts of PPE, and created an infirmary, just to name a few things. The ripples at times have felt like tidal waves crashing upon a sea wall. Pounding upon the courage and determination of staff members who stand between the outside chaos to protect the kids we serve.

Galatians 6:9 states, “Let us not grow weary in doing good, because in due time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Throughout 2020, I have said, “If we can just get past 2020” and “if we can just make it to December” and “I’ll be glad when 2020 is over”. Maybe this made me feel better, thinking the chaos would be over soon. Perhaps it gave me a little hope.

Recently, my Father-in-Law, after two months in the hospital battling Covid-19, passed away at 59 years old. LUMCFS has had many staff throughout Louisiana experience their own losses. As I process the past 12 months, the roller coaster of emotions, long hours, highs and lows, losses, and joys, I ask myself, “What really matters.”

Personally, one year ago, what really mattered to me was different than today. Time, experience, testing, and hardships change your thoughts and perspective on what REALLY matters. I can unequivocally say one thing that REALLY matters is the work that LUMCFS does to help hurting kids and families.

This year has been a true test of the fortitude of LUMCFS. Its processes, its extraordinary employees, its Board, and its resources have all been tested. Many employee’s personal lives have been forever impacted during 2020, but they have stayed the course. They have been the sea wall for the ripples and tidal waves that have tried to pound Louisiana’s most vulnerable resource. Her children.

Please pray and support LUMCFS. “Lets us not grow weary in doing good because, in due time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Life Notes Takeaway
The difficulties of life test and reinforce our strengths. Hardships faced by everyone call for intentional efforts to do good for others.

About Luke Allen
Luke Allen is a follower of Jesus Christ. He and Leslie have been married 17 years and they have two active boys. He is a graduate of Ruston High School and received a BA in Political Science from Louisiana Tech. He also holds an MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Louisiana Tech. He worked in long term care in New Mexico, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana before joining LUMCFS in 2012. Luke says, “I am humbled and honored to be back at the Children’s Home and to be part of a such a great team at of servant leaders”.

APA Citation
Allen, L. (2020, November 30). Life Notes: What Really Matters. LUMCFS Blog.

The Life Notes essays are written by staff of Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services.

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