Louisiana Child Distress
Ranked 51st in 1990 and 49th in 2022. Louisiana has made little progress in the overall condition of our children…. Read More
I thank all who have supported our ministry to Louisiana’s children, families and communities during 2015. We have completed an effective year of ministry in Louisiana and I want to share a quick review of the year.
Each of us has our own memories of 2015. Certain events will stand out as highlights. This morning I want to share with you 10 of the events that stand out for me in the life of Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services.
Before I list them, though, I want to point out something: none of these events happened by accident.
In fact, each achievement required effort on the part of many people – some required the effort of all our staff. (There’s not a more remarkable group of people anywhere!) Also, each of these accomplishments – in its own way – has enhanced our overall ability to achieve our mission.
Some of these achievements gave us new skills, some created new opportunities, some created entirely new ways for us to care for Louisiana’s children, families and communities. All have made us better in some way.
As you consider these and begin packing away 2015 and as you prepare to jump into 2016, you can feel good about what we have accomplished across Louisiana this year!
Now, at the end of 2015, we are ministering to children and families in more locations than ever before, with new skills and connections, with new programs of care, with new opportunities to develop in the future, with improved facilities, and with resources sufficient to pursue our mission of guiding children and families home to experience God’s love by following the teachings of Christ.
Thank you for making our work of ministry possible!
Rick Wheat
President and CEO
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services