Foundations Poured for Administration Building in Southeast Louisiana
The weekend’s “Top Story” in the Hammond Daily Star is a great article about the beginning of Phase II construction… Read More
Relative to our more than a century of ministry to Louisiana’s children and families, phrases like “carbon footprints” and “carbon offsets” are modern. Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, Inc. has long given consideration to its stewardship of the environmental resources placed into its care.
Examples of the agency’s environmental stewardship include timber management and reforestation practices on 1,820 acres; reduction in paper product use; and the replacement of 300 watt desktop computers with solid state, energy saving, 5 watt terminals.
Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, Inc. engages in practices we believe will ultimately have a positive impact on our environment. For example:
So, while our web site has a blue theme, we’re working to be green.