“Sweet Cases” Duffle Bags Donated to Methodist Foster Care
An organization called Together We Rise donated 22 duffle bags to our Methodist Foster Care program. Each duffle bag contained… Read More
The greatest two words in fundraising are “Thank You!” We cannot thank you enough for your faithful support in 2009.
Many non-profit agencies experienced less than usual giving in 2009. The national economy was the major culprit, plus the uncertainty factor concerning our wars in the Middle East and the health care debate. However, our faithful financial friends kept on giving and our total 2009 contributions were $1,298,863 – an incredible amount!!
You believe in what we are doing to help the abused and neglected youth of our state: ages 10-17 and it shows BIG TIME. Give yourself a “big pat on the back”. We could not be where we are without your prayerful support and encouragement.
We wish we could personally visit with each of you and thank you for your steadfast support.You are extremely important to our Mission.
Wow! How blessed we are to have such wonderful friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!