Jarvis’s Journey: Grateful where I am Today!
Jarvis Spearman can tell his story because of the impressive work and the positive changes he and others who grew… Read More
Megan Male, Receptionist, Methodist Home for Children of Greater New Orleans, began her employment with the Methodist Home for Children of Greater New Orleans in 2008 as a part-time child-care worker. Megan continued to work part-time while she attended college, pursuing her B.S. degree in Psychology. During her final semester of school, Megan was an intern for the Home.
Once Megan completed her schooling and received her degree, she began working for the Home on a full-time basis. In 2009 she applied for the receptionist position and has worked in administration ever since.
Megan’s duties as a receptionist are greater than that of a clerical nature. Her daily tasks include coordinating volunteers, helping to schedule activities for the youth, maintaining inventory and processing donations. Megan also assists the Home’s program director as needed.
Of her job, Megan says, “I love the people I work with, and watching others interact with the youth. Since our campus is smaller, there’s a strong sense of family among our staff and the youth. We get the opportunity to know our kids on a personal level.”
Megan says that she is especially touched whenever a blessing party is held for a youth who is graduating the program. Youth and staff gather to share special memories of their time together and to wish the youth good luck as they begin to build their life outside the Home. “During this process many tears are shed and many laughs are shared. It is such a heart-warming experience to hear a youth say they will miss us,” says Megan.