About Healthy Louisiana
We provide care for children who are “members” of all six Medicaid management companies. Common terms for a Medicaid management company include “managed care organization”, “MCO”, “health plan”, and “insurance company”.
“Healthy Louisiana” is the brand name for Louisiana’s Medicaid program. The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) contracts with six Medicaid management companies which may cover some of the costs of care for children who require intensive residential care.
LUMCFS is a contracted network partner with five Louisiana Medicaid management companies and provides care under Single Case Agreements with the sixth.
No Medicaid management company in Louisiana pays the total cost of residential care. Consequently, Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services uses charitable funds to cover what the Medicaid insurance companies do not pay for the care their members receive in our three children’s homes.
About Out-of-State Placements of Children
A question our admissions staff members occasionally hear is, “My Healthy Louisiana plan wants to place my child in another state but I do not want my child placed out of state. What can I do?”
The Louisiana Department of Health, which created and manages Healthy Louisiana, provides helpful information for you.
You may say, “no”, and you may change your health plan. According to the Louisiana Department of Health: “You can change Plans for certain reasons, such as, if your Plan changes services that you need, or if you cannot get certain care that you need. Call Healthy Louisiana and ask for a transfer form.”
The phone number for Medicaid Customer Services is 1-888-342-6207. Louisiana Department of Health states you may “call any day or time and use our automated phone system to choose, change Health Plans, or get answers to common questions about Healthy Louisiana.”