Thank you for loving the Home! As you do for all whom you love, please pray for us. Your prayers on our behalf are important.
We always need your prayers. Our work focuses on preventing brokenness in families, intervening where brokenness begins, and working to heal brokenness in children, adults and in families. While our work requires skill and effort, it also requires grace and love. Financial contributions help us continue using our skills to address the needs of children and families. Your prayers help us do it with grace and love.
How You Can Pray
First, pray for the children and families for whom we care. Pray the recipients of our care will be able to accept the incredible grace of God into their lives and into their families. Pray they will experience “Home” wrapped in God’s love. Across Louisiana, children and families are hurting. Pray for them.
Second, pray for our staff. Across Louisiana we employ more than 400 individuals who act as the hands of the church. Our staff use their skills, training and experience to provide care for children and families. Some do it by providing meals to children in care, some are counselors, some provide direct care 24 hours a day, some go into homes in the community to help keep children home, some are administrators, some are nurses and doctors. We have staff who work together as teams to find solutions for children and families.
Pray our staff will be wise and gentle. Pray they will have the grace and love to always turn the other cheek. Their work is difficult and demanding. Pray they will have strength and courage.
Third, pray for our Board of Directors and Board committee members. Our Board members are passionate volunteers who are committed to supporting and giving direction to our ministry. They are women and men from across Louisiana who give freely of their time, intelligence, experience and wisdom to ensure Louisiana United Methodist Children and Family Services, Inc. is managed well. Pray they will have insight into the future, will maintain their passion, and will have access to the wisdom God gives generously to all who ask.