Louisiana’s Children : Charts and Graphs
These charts and graphs are offered to show the status of Louisiana’s children. Some are related to conditions over time, others are comparative.
Chart of State Ombuds for Children
What do the four states ranked last in the nation for child well-being have in common? They lack an Office of Child Ombudsman. All states are required by federal law to have an Ombuds for the Elderly. Because no similar requirement exists for children (who do not vote or make campaign contributions), states choose whether to give children and their parents the same rights to redress. Louisiana has no Ombudsman’s Office for Children.
Louisiana’s Child Well-being Rank, 32-Year History
Among the states, Louisiana holds a 32-year average rank of 49th for child well-being. Historical ranking compiled from annual KIDS COUNT Data Books produced by The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Louisiana’s 32-year average rank is 48.9.
Louisiana’s Child Death by Assaults 1999-2019
From 1999 to 2019, Louisiana’s child death rate from assault, 4.6 per 100,000, was more than two times the national average of 2.11. For more than twenty years, Louisiana’s children have been twice as likely to die from assault as children among other states.
History of Children in Louisiana’s Foster Care System – 2007-2017
Chart displays the number of certified and non-certified foster, kinship, and fictive kin homes open in Louisiana during the year preceding November 19, 2011.
Louisiana Foster Home Count – 2011-11-19
Chart displays the number of certified and non-certified foster, kinship, and fictive kin homes open in Louisiana during the year preceding November 19, 2011.
Child Abuse Victims by Age, 2015
Between birth and 19 years of age, half of all child abuse in Louisiana occurs to children who are 5-years-old and younger. One fourth of all child abuse is perpetrated against babies 1-year-old and younger.
Infant Mortality Rank, 2017-2018
If Louisiana were a nation, the state would be ranked 66th among the nations of the world for infant mortality.
Foster Children Served by DCFS Each Month
Chart presents the monthly history of the number of foster children cared for each month by Louisiana’s Department of Children and Family Services.
Foster Children in Care and Contracted Group Home Beds
Chart displays the number of children receiving foster care services each month and the number of DCFS-licensed group home beds available.